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Updated: Jan 17, 2022

It's not all about sequins in winter, oh no sireeeee! The British weather can go from sunny, crisp and freezing to dark, moist and dingy in the blink of an eye - what can possibly save you? BIG COATS!!

My lovely Instagram followers heavily requested a winter day wear blog and for me a winter day look is really all about the thing you throw over the top. I largely start with "What coat am I wearing today?", which is often dictated by A) the weather and B) what the heck I am doing?

So I have pulled together some looks based on wintery daytime scenarios.... enjoy.


Dependant on your height, shape and budget there is a coat out there for you. I have tried to outline what to look out for based on body shape and height below and linked coats in various shapes with each look. With the January sales coming up it is a great time to start your research.


If you are regular height or tall go for as long a coat as you can get away with. You want it to skim no longer than the ankle bone if possible. I think the longer the coat oftentimes the more expensive it looks. For petite ladies your long coat shouldn't really come any longer than mid calf, otherwise it will be drowning you. Shorter coats (not jackets) should cover the bum and be longer than the widest part of the hips not above it.


If you are busty, pear shaped or apple shaped a wrap coat will be fabulous on you. The wrap emphasises the waist and the lovely v-neck breaks up the wall of boob that I mention often. Stay away in particular from cocoon shaped coats (the type that go out then in at the hem line, shaped a bit like an apple) these will make you look round. If you have a washboard bust like me (flat as a pancake) wrap coats are still on the table but also oversized and cocoon coats are great on you too.

A-Line coats to me are a no-no for everyone, unless you want to make yourself look like a big triangle. Oversized coats in general - don't ever go TOO oversized on the shoulders, no matter who you are and especially for petite ladies. Think upside down triangle. Unless of course you like the American Footballer aesthetic, nuff said? Try on the size below and above to get the fit you need on the shoulders. But try not to look like you borrowed your Dad's coat.

Whatever shape you are, streamlined classic cut silhouettes are the most flattering, longest lasting and will keep you looking dare I say it again, pulled together.


Before you shop go with a clear idea of what you need colour wise. Camel will go with pretty much all the colours in your wardrobe (as well as denim) and is my number one recommended coat colour. Whatever your skin tone there is a camel to suit you, if you have sallow olive skin you need a camel with a warm base if you are paler in colour you can go for the pale cold beiges.

If you want something darker check your wardrobe and shoes first, do you have a mostly black or navy base to your wardrobe, which would work more with what you have - either will work with denim. Or you might have these all already and would like an alternative perhaps a check or dogtooth?


The number one thing to do is to try it on, obviously BUT not just with a tee shirt! Try a sweater, a chunky chunky knit and try a layered jacket and tee like a leather not all at the same time but make sure you can wear it with large pieces underneath. Nothing worse than spending time and money finding the perfect winter coat and then realising you can only fit your bare arm in it - epic fail.


As mentioned my number one recommended coat is a Camel Coat. The colour goes with everything, Black, White, Grey, Red, Navy... you name it this bad boy does it. A camel coat will look as good with denim as it will for workwear hands down. I do like a bit of white in winter however huge caveat this isn't your muddy dog / child walking look. Think of those lovely crisp sunny winters day when you can go for a wander and coffee with a mate.

COS Belted Wrap Coat - £190 (comes in several colours)

Gucci Horsebit 1955 - £1950 (clearly there are cheaper bags, but we can dream cant we?)


H&M Camel Wrap Coat - £79 (good for petites)


I love this type of look for casual as you can layer up your favourite lightweight base layer coats with your overcoat to create a warm cocoon of happiness and if you are like me and always freeeeeeeezing then this is for you (plus gloves)! As mentioned above a great coat to have to jazz up any monochrome or base outfit is a Check or a Dogtooth.

Blue Jeans - £40

Dr Martens - £139


H&M Wool Blend Coat - £119.99


Anyone else have a Saturday morning football appointment that feels akin to standing in an ice-bucket? I am not going to lie if I cant park in a way that lets me see the riveting game then I will, however for the love of my football loving son I will venture out of the car if required. But I will be wearing a full body quilt. You might have an appointment with your Pooch or a Rugby pitch, whatever is dragging you out in the sub-zero temperatures then my hope is this will keep you toasty. This is practical winter day wear at its best.

Oddly I have been asked about socks a lot this week - and not just from foot fettishists. I get mine from Other Stories and Cos, I love their metallic socks for trainers or boots. If you want thermals, look at Marks & Spencer Knee High Thermo socks!

Camel Beanie - £30


Arket Mid Length Puffer - Better if you are Petite - £175

Allana Puffer - £399


So maybe you have a day date, a lunch with the girls or generally want a more elevated day time look... here is how to wear a skirt look but make it warm! You might have a camel shearling, or the black aviator style either would work this way - just stay warm people!



One of my absolute favourite winter day looks is just jeans and my leopard coat. I love to wear this more casual as to be honest I think dressed up leopard print is too try hard, too hooker on a hen night. For me leopard is a day wear neutral. So if you have a leopard coat, wear it with denim - 100%.

H&M Mom Fit Jeans - £17.99

Somerset Leopard Coat - £80 (sale)


Your favourite black coat, you know the one you keep for good / work or funerals but gathers dust? Just wear it but layer it up obviously. I hate the idea of anything being kept for good so I don't, if you buy it and don't wear it all the time, why did you buy it?

Commando Pleather Joggers - £135 (can highly recommend but shop around, lots of places do them and you might get them on sale)

Converse Chuck Taylor - £57 (my favourite trainer by far and the most comfy and also machine washable - need I say more?)


That is all for this week, would really welcome your feedback as always. For next week I am contemplating a blog on sale shopping, but more slanted to WHAT to look for in the sales and WHERE rather than what is in the Sales themselves?

Any ideas or problems welcome! Just message me here via the website, or on Instagram or Facebook. And if you like my content please feel free to share it and help me grow my small business :-)


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