DO NOT PANIC! I am not for one second suggesting you give up either shopping or gin in January, you should never suggest anyone do anything you have no intentions of doing yourself.
Instead I am proposing a handful of ways you might reboot your thinking this month and shop your wardrobe rather than panic shopping the sales instead? Are you feeling bereft of money and inspiration post Christmas? Well let me help you out...
On my main instagram account I follow those who really inspire my style and creativity. Those who's posts I genuinely enjoy. They don't all necessarily have the same style as me it might be more colourful or floral but for some reason I enjoy their vibe and that can help generate my ideas. Look through your account, are you following people who make you feel bad about yourself or who (in the words of Marie Kondo) spark joy? Do they wear new stuff daily and make you wish you had more, spent more, were thinner or better in some way? If their presence in your feed makes you feel bad unfollow them. Your feed should inspire creativity not negativity, MOVE THEM ON.
I am not an instagram expert but there are several ways you can use # to your advantage. Instagram uses them to generate suggested feed's, the thinking being if you like a post with certain hashtag's attached to it you are more likely to enjoy accounts that use the same or similar tags and so the suggestions are made. Look at your favourite account, look at the hashtags they are using and following. I love to look at #streetstyle #minimalstyle and tags such as these for my inspiration. Look at your favourite instagram account see what tags they are using or following and follow the same. You might find new and interesting accounts that inspire your true style.
Using the 'Save Post' function on instagram to create mood boards for seasons, themes or items you already have in your wardrobe. On the bottom right hand of every post there is a little symbol (which looks like a ribbon) when you click that it offers you the ability to save that post. Use this function to create mood-boards for items you love but have no idea how to wear. I like the 'item' approach if you are really struggling to use something you have had for ages. It might seem obvious, but to find a way to style a specific item research hashtags around that item? For example looking for inspiration for your favourite leather trousers? Look at tags, such as #leathertrousers #leathertrouserlook #pleathertrousers and other variations of these.
If you don't use Pinterest give it a try, you can also follow me here to see the mood boards I create. Similar to how you might use Instagram above, you can create folders which focus on the pieces you are trying to style or organise boards by season. Save looks you like and try to find things in your wardrobe to recreate them, you don't need those exact pieces or that exact look (see point 8 below). You can substitute a check coat for a check blazer or a black crew neck for a black polo neck. It's a way to generate creativity, not more wardrobe gaps.
For some clients I set homework after I leave, it might be to wear a specific item or colour more. Go to your own wardrobe and look for unloved items. Use the tools above to see if you can find a way to wear it this month? Try the #tenbyten challenge. Chose ten items for the week and see how many outfits you can make from them. Try to use items which coordinate and pull out things you are not wearing, challenge yourself to wear them. Or set your own challenge, "This week I will not wear jeans / I will not wear black / I will only wear skirts". Set a challenge and try to stick to it. Have a try on with a few pieces before your week starts to you have some ideas prepared and enjoy it.
Ok you might not want to have a public grid and be an "Instagrammer" but in a private folder on your camera roll take a quick snap of your daily outfit. This will not only become a record of what you really wear it becomes your resource to refer back to when you are next stuck for inspiration. What better place to get inspiration fast than from a grid of clothes you actually OWN.
Ok controversial I know, but when you next go for your daily 5k stroll, look up. Look around you at what others are wearing, look for styles that resonate with you, for pieces similar to things you already have. Don't compare yourself unfavourably, but look for those in everyday life who's style you love and really consider who you can create those looks - it doesn't matter if they are younger or older, taller or thinner you have the confidence to recreate that look for yourself because you can, you are beautiful. I get so much inspiration and always have just from other women on the street.
So all of the above is a way to find inspiration but where so many come unstuck is this notion that you need that exact piece to create the outfit. How about thinking outside the box, use the image as an idea and use your wardrobe to emulate it not recreate it exactly. Here are simple outfit suggestions you might be able to recreate yourself from things you already have. Or things you have that are SIMILAR. Have fun with it, add your own personality.
Let me know what you think of the looks and if you have any questions, ask away!
